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My Journey to a New Season

It has been a wonderful TV week lately. Between the “Linsanity” taking the sport world by the storm (and in the process crushing my Raptors) and Tony Robbins being a guest on an Oprah show, I had a blast.

For those of you who are not Basketball fans, maybe it is your first time hearing about the term “Linsanity”. It is simply a word that fans created out of the insane few weeks that the new Basketball sensation Jeremy Lin of the New York Knicks has been having. This kid is something. It's nothing short of a miracle what is happening to him.

Out of Harvard (which is not a great Basketball school), Jeremy tried to find a professional team that could use his services. Luckily, the Golden State Warriors took him, but only for a short period of time. He got let go, and Houston took him for a while before cutting him as well. Out of desperation because of a lack of point guards, New York picked him for a 10 day contract, but sent him to the development league where he played just one game. He was called back by New York because of the tons of injuries in the team, the New York coach took a chance and gave Jeremy an opportunity to play. Oh boy, the kid became an overnight sensation leading New York to 7 straight wins, including a 38 points game against Kobe and the Lakers.

At this time, you must be asking yourself if you are reading a sport column or something. Enough of Basketball now.

Two days ago, I received a text from a good friend of mine telling me to watch Oprah's network on Sunday at 9pm. According to my friend, Oprah would have a friend of mine on her show. I started asking myself whose friend it was. I laughed so much when I found out that the guest would be Tony Robbins. My friend knows I am a big fan of Tony, so she made sure I watched the show.

After begging my wife to not watch her favourite show on Sunday, she agreed to let me watch Oprah at 9 PM. I have watched Tony so many times, but every time I get a chance to listen to him, I always learn something new . He is a powerhouse speaker with lots of energy.

He mentioned something on the show that caught my attention. He said that in life there are seasons. And every season is here to come and then to pass. Nothing is permanent. Oh boy, I needed to hear that. I am in a new season, and it is not very comfortable all the time. So to be reminded that this is not permanent was music to my ears.

Think of Jeremy Lin for a moment. He was let go by two teams, to be picked up by New York for just 10 days (talk about insecurity right there), which at first sent him to the development league, and called him back to the main team because of injuries to some players. Jeremy did not know that he was about to start a new season in which he would be a worldwide superstar. What a story!

So, if you are going through tough times, just know that it is for a season, they will come and they will pass. A new season is about to start, and everything you went through will be lessons you had to learn to go to the next level.

Moral of the story? Do you want to start a new season in your life? Just watch Basketball and Jeremy Lin will inspire you

Always a pleasure

The Journeyman


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